I have a Hurricane about to hit where I live so I, hope it doesn't happen, but MAY be out of power for a few days> However...
x2 POSTS TODAY! Hope you Enjoy!
Manaworld Covers! - Syx & the Seven Dwarfs
A textless version of the cover is there too.
"Special Delivery" Page 6
Getting back into the swing and posting more. If you can please spread the word on Twitter and the like. I want to see if we can grow Manaworldcomics again.
Manaworld Twitter: CLICK HERE!
Hope you like it, and if you have any questions or comments, let me know. I READ THEM ALL! They really mean so much and knowing there are people out there really pushes me to put out more content. Nothing gets me more hyped up than hearing from you amazing fans!
Good luck with the storm. Hope things goes well for you, your loved ones and your property.
Thanks. I was out of power for like a day. Its hurricane season now so they may come through every so often.